Hi, I am Pat

I would like to tell you a story about my journey through beachcombing to becoming a silversmith.

For the first five years I've been a sea glass collector myself and supplier for other jewellery makers but I always had an urge to engage with my creative side.

In January 2021, after experiencing some unexpected and sudden shifts in my life, to comfort myself and to silence negative thoughts I've made my first pieces of jewellery. And before you ask, I don't have any formal training or qualification in this field, I'm a self-taught jewellery maker (big Thank You to all the lovely People Of The Internet for sharing your knowledge, you know who you are!).

I am really lucky that the beaches near me are so generous and boast an abundance of beautiful finds, perfect for my unique and one of a kind pieces. I really enjoy working with sea glass, especially since I started shaping it myself to my liking, grinding glass was a real game changer for me and opened a door to the whole new world.

I am still new to this, I am still learning and if you want to hang around with me on my journey - you can follow me on Instagram and on Facebook.

My Shop